ДАТА В ИГРЕ: 01.12.2004 — 28.02.2005.
caindamon •
правила сюжет и faq банды клубы способности территория внешности персонажи правила приюта и расписание

Уже не очень голубенькое


Совы — слишком ботаники, Жуки — прикольные порой, но слишком уж укуреные, Шакалы — местные бандюганы. Пусть это все лишь набор стереотипов, но люди, вступившие в эти банды, в целом соответствовали общему портрету, и не будь у банд таких громких названий - они все равно собрались бы снова по этим кучкам, объединенные общими интересами и понятиями о жизни. Ничего бы не изменилось, ведь это не банды делают детей такими, какие они есть, а дети сами сбиваются в эти банды. Своих Львов Джей слишком любил — и был уверен, что в любой другой банде ему бы места не нашлось. Львы — лучшие, о чем тут еще говорить. — Джейсон (с)Удивительно как меня с такими мыслями Львы еще к себе не загребли. Они-то как раз любители поглазеть в зеркало и повосхищаться своей нежной кожей, мягкими волосами, безупречным стилем. Так, отставить дрочку на Львов, я Жук. Жуки суровые. Жуки пьют кровь девственниц и меряются яйцами направо и налево. Или это я сейчас о Шакалах? Они ведь дети тестостерона и адреналина, смешанного с изысканной гоповатостью и щепоткой чистой гетеросексуальности. А Жуки тогда кто? А, точно, сборная солянка, как я мог забыть цитаты великих шакалов. Ото всех по чуть-чуть взяли: лоск Львов, верность шакалов, ну, и, естественно, смекалка Сов. — Джесси (с)

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Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).


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